Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela
Welcome to Srihari Global School, Asansol! Due to the rapid technological advancements in schools, now more than ever before, we have to make extraordinary efforts in order to keep abreast of the demands arising from the oncoming globalized knowledge society. It is a matter of great pride and personal satisfaction for me to say that Srihari Global School, which set out with tiny hesitant steps Ten years ago is now beginning to make rapid strides in its bid to become one of the highest achieving schools.
As the CEO of SHGS, Asansol it is my goal to provide each student with a positive and nurturing learning environment. Please know that your child is precious to use and I am honoured with the responsibility of guiding them through their educational journey.
In our school your child will grow academically, socially, physically and creatively. Our exceptional staff is committed to all of our student in providing a fantastic learning experience. We know that children learn in a variety of ways and at different rates. Therefore, we will provide experiences that take these differences into consideration. Our teachers will act as facilitators of learning providing a vast range of educational experiences that will enrich your child's mind and will enable them to become well rounded individuals.
At SHGS, Asansol we believe that parental involvement is fundamental to every child's education. We value your participation and encourage all parents to become involved in their child's education. Together we can accomplish a well-rounded education for our children. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries or concerns or suggestions. I would like to thank you for entrusting us. Working together can accomplish great things!
With warm regards and best wishes...